Being Mindful in the Midst of Chaos
During this 40-minute webinar, you'll gain a better understanding of the tools you have to cope with difficult situations that can create chaos in the mind and body.
Everyday stress has become normalized for so many of us (ESPECIALLY since 2020). But when mild stress turns into chronic stress, our physical AND mental health suffers. During this 40-minute webinar, you'll gain a better understanding of the tools you have to cope with difficult situations that can create chaos in the mind and body. You'll also learn best practices that will help you to begin developing a powerful habit of Intentional Mindfulness.
Let’s start with being conscious of the CHAOS and how it’s affecting you. How then do we eliminate that excessive external stress and chaos in our life?
Everyday, life has lots of challenges. Let’s shift the way you cope with them and create Healthy Mindfulness!
Surround yourself with a SUPPORT system... Join interest groups, in-person/virtual groups, local chamber of commerce, men/women's clubs, church groups, mastermind classes, or working with a trained professional such as a coach or a therapist.
Generate positivity by spreading COMPLIMENTS… Intentionally find ways to uplift others; make others feel good; do something nice for somebody else; share more compliments than criticisms.
Check how you THINK about others… Shift your thoughts into something positive about others; ask yourself how is your thought serving you or serving the other person and what positive outcome might this thought produce.
Check-in with how you SPEAK about yourself… List out a few things that you appreciate about yourself; choose your thoughts about yourself wisely; change the thoughts that you choose to think or entertain.
Spend some time getting to KNOW yourself… Dedicate time to learn how to love yourself, enjoy your own company, take up a hobby; learn how to love and cherish your self and your wort.
Keep a GRATITUDE journal… Take the time to focus on what’s positive; be grateful for the good that’s happening in your life; remind yourself that you have so many positive qualities, that you’re making a positive impact, that you help someone’s day to be better, that you’ve used your skills and your hard work to advance yourself and become more independent.
Give yourself TIME to feel your feelings… find ways to release your thoughts, worries, and anxieties through journaling, exercise, or deep breathing; consider having the partnership of a trained professional i.e. mental health expert, psychologist, personal mindset coach, etc.
Webinar On Demand- Being Mindful in the Midst of Chaos
Webinar- Video
Reflections/Gratitude Journal
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...And any INDIVIDUAL eager for CHANGE and willing to INVEST in themselves!
“Our firm engaged Deb on several occasions to provide professional coaching for employees. The results were positive--very positive--and furthered the careers of employees while increasing the firm's ability to execute profitably.”
“Under Deb’s leadership, I decided to further my education and gain several certifications, while leading and developing my own team. She influenced me to push myself harder, without even noticing that I was being led. ”
“An uncommonly powerful coach, Deb consistently demonstrates a high level of awareness combined with a gift for asking simple yet deeply thought-provoking questions and a laser-focus on results...Deb Dredden has significantly contributed to my growth and the growth of my business.”
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