10 Steps to Master the Sweaty -yet Essential- Conversations: A Guide
Do you avoid conflict at all costs? Find anything else to do BUT have the necessary conversation with your spouse? Significant other? Children? Employee? Boss? Friend?
You've gotten into an argument with someone, and rather than address your concerns with that person, you talk to just about everyone else about it? Also called 'venting'...
You tell yourself that you're going to cool off first, and then never, ever go back and have the needed follow-up conversation?
Your automatic response is to find fault with the other person, rarely turning the mirror on yourself.
You know you need to have a conversation with an employee at work, but instead of taking ownership, you tell them "the boss told me I needed to tell you___".
When you've been wronged, however unintentionally, you assume the worst of the other person. Asked another way, how often when you've been hurt, do you assume positive intent?
You're determined that the other person / party needs to come to you first. And you don't budge off that point.
1) The fuller-blown, detailed version that provides guidelines and sample scripts to help you get started. They include sample scripts for both personal and business scenarios, and can be adapted to just about any critical conversation. 2) A quick 10-step checklist for easy reference as you're planning your next sweaty conversation. This checklist outlines each step, things to consider, and a place to take notes as you prepare, and follow up.